Have You Visited the Speak Up, Stand Up, Stop Exploitation Knowledge Hub?
Thank you to all those who joined us to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Child Exploitation Awareness Day, marked by the launch of our new Speak Up. Stand Up. Stop Exploitation! section on the WSCP Knowledge Hub.
Featuring insightful presentations from St Giles Trust, Ivison Trust, Liaison & Diversion, the Children Vulnerable to Exploitation & Missing Service, and West Yorkshire Police, we unveiled some of the latest approaches for preventing, identifying, disrupting, and stopping child exploitation in the district.
For those who were unable to attend, we invite you to explore the new pages here or watch a brief 3-minute tour of the new additions below.
To help with the promotion of the pages, you can download the #StandUpSpeakUp campaign material here please share your staff teams and across your networks far and wide.