Bath Drownings Treble in 3 Years
The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) have released a statement advising that new data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) shows a threefold increase in children sadly drowning in the bath over a three year period.
In most cases the child had been left alone and in some cases a bath seat was being used. Many parents mistakenly believe bath seats will keep their baby safe, with potentially tragic consequences. Bath seats are not designed as safety devices, the suction pads can fail (despite marketing claims of super strong suction), or babies can slip out.
Click here to read more about the findings and here to access CAPT’S “watch out in water fact sheet”. More information on how to keep you child safe at bath time can also found on RoSPA’s website whilst helpful information about washing and bathing your baby can be found on the NHS website.
Calling all professionals – please share this important information with any parents/carers you work with to help prevent further fatalities.